repotting Repotting is essential for healthy plant growth. Choose a suitable pot, loosen the roots and add fresh substrate to create optimal conditions.
Dry leaves Dry leaves indicate drought, lack of water or low humidity. Water regularly, increase humidity and avoid sunburn.
Mold Mold is caused by waterlogging and poor ventilation. Remove affected soil, improve drainage and avoid overwatering to protect plants.
Pour Watering is crucial for healthy plants. Check the soil beforehand, use appropriate methods and avoid common mistakes such as over- or under-watering.
thrips Thrips, also known as fringe-winged beetles, are tiny plant pests that feed on cell sap and leave silvery, shimmering spots on the leaves. A severe infestation can significantly impair the...
scale insects Scale insects are stubborn plant pests that attach themselves to leaves and stems and extract plant sap. They can be recognized by their shield-like shell and can weaken plants. With...
cuttings Cuttings are cut parts of plants, such as shoots, leaves or roots, that are used to grow a new plant. They are a simple and popular method of plant propagation....
spider mites Spider mites (Tetranychidae) are pests that feed on plant sap and can cause significant damage to your plant. These plant pests often occur in warm, dry environments - especially indoors...
mildew Powdery mildew is a fungal disease in plants that is noticeable through a characteristic white, silver-gray or yellowish coating on the leaves. There are many different types of powdery mildew,...
yellow spots Yellow spots on leaves are caused by care errors, diseases or environmental influences. The correct diagnosis and measures such as appropriate watering, fertilization and pest control help to quickly save...
soil (potting soil) Potting soil is essential for plant growth. Different types such as universal soil, special soil or peat-free alternatives offer individual solutions. Proper care, such as regular fertilization and replacement, ensures...
Fertilize Fertilizing provides plants with essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Organic and mineral fertilizers offer various advantages. With the right dosage and technique, your garden or houseplant will...
baby plants Baby plants are young plants grown from seeds, cuttings or offshoots. They are inexpensive, adaptable and allow you to see the growth from the beginning. With the right care, baby...
Brown leaves Brown leaves indicate stress in plants and can be caused by drought, waterlogging, pests or nutrient deficiencies. With appropriate care such as optimal watering, increasing humidity and a suitable location,...
moss removal Cutting is a proven method of propagating plants, in which a branch or trunk is rooted directly on the mother plant. This technique is particularly suitable for woody plants, tropical...
aerial roots Aerial roots are specialized roots that grow above ground and are found in many plant species. They perform a variety of functions, including water and nutrient absorption, anchoring to surfaces,...
air plants Air plants, also known as Tillandsias, are low-maintenance plants that grow without soil and get their nutrients directly from the air. With over 600 species, including Tillandsia ionantha and Tillandsia...
fungus gnats Fungus gnats are small, black flies that often buzz around houseplants. They lay their eggs in moist soil, which hatch into larvae that feed on organic material and plant roots....
offshoot Propagating plants by cuttings is a simple and effective way to grow new plants. There are different techniques such as runners, layering, cuttings and suckers, each requiring specific plant types...
aphids Aphids are small insects that feed on plant sap. They come in a variety of colors and are often green, black, brown or red. These pests suck the sap from...
Yellow leaves Yellow leaves on houseplants can indicate a variety of problems, including overwatering, underwatering, lack of light, nutrient deficiencies, temperature fluctuations, or pest infestations. Proper diagnosis and treatment are crucial to...
Hydroponics Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, where plants get their nutrients from a water-nutrient solution. This method offers numerous advantages such as more efficient water use, better...
correction cut Corrective pruning is an important houseplant care measure that improves the growth, shape and health of the plants. It helps plants grow bushier, prevents diseases and promotes flowering. Different plant...
humidity Humidity is crucial for the health of houseplants. Tropical plants require high humidity, while desert plants prefer dry conditions. Low humidity can lead to dryness and pests, while too much...
substrate The right substrate is crucial for the growth and health of houseplants. There are different types of substrate such as potting soil, cactus soil and orchid substrate, each with different...