Schimmel auf Blumenerde


Mold on potting soil is a common problem that occurs especially with houseplants. Although the mold is not harmful to the plant itself in most cases, it often indicates unfavorable care conditions.

Causes of mold

  • Waterlogging: Too frequent watering or poor drainage promotes mold growth.
  • Poor ventilation: A location with little air circulation promotes the development of mold spores.
  • Nutrient-rich soil: Organic material in the soil can encourage mold, especially if it remains moist.

Detecting mold

Typical signs are:

  • Whitish or grayish coating on the earth's surface.
  • Sometimes a musty smell.
  • In severe cases, visible fungal growth.

removing mold

  1. Remove the top layer of soil and discard it.
  2. Loosen the remaining soil to improve air circulation.
  3. Treat the soil with home remedies such as cinnamon (antifungal effect) or a biological fungicide.

Preventive measures

  • Make sure the pot has good drainage.
  • Only water when the top layer of soil is dry.
  • Place the plant in a bright, well-ventilated location.