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Harmony Plants

Alocasia Heterophylla 'Dragon's Breath'

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    Die Alocasia Heterophylla 'Dragon's Breath' ist ein echtes Highlight für alle Pflanzenliebhaber:innen. Mit ihren außergewöhnlichen, silbrig-grünen, pfeilförmigen Blättern und einer robusten Struktur zieht sie alle Blicke auf sich. Die einzigartige Blattstruktur erinnert an das mystische Flair eines Drachenatems und macht diese Alocasia zu einer besonderen Bereicherung für jede Pflanzensammlung. Ob als Solitärpflanze oder im Urban Jungle – die 'Dragon's Breath' bringt tropisches Flair direkt in dein Zuhause und verleiht jedem Raum eine besondere Eleganz.


    We ship our plants climate-neutrally with DHL GoGreen.

    All international orders are shipped exclusively on Monday, all domestic orders are shipped from Monday to Wednesday due to shorter transit times.

    You also have the option of picking up your plants from us on site. Simply select the "Pickup" option during the ordering process.

    In the event of extreme weather conditions in winter and summer, we reserve the right to postpone shipping indefinitely until more favorable conditions for shipping plants are possible again.

    For more detailed information about shipping, see Shipping & Delivery .


    For the sake of the environment, we only use biodegradable packaging materials and completely avoid plastic.

    For the winter, we pack our plants well protected in various insulating materials and also include a heat pack so that they can be shipped even at low temperatures.


    Please note that this is a representative plant and the pot is not included. However, all of our plants are similar in size and beauty. Ultimately, that is exactly what makes our nature so diverse and unique.

    For certain individual products, you will receive the plant you have selected. You will always be able to tell this when you have the opportunity to choose your favorite from several plants.

    Care instructions


    It is very important that your Alocasia gets plenty of sunlight (e.g. from a west-facing window) so that the old leaves do not die after new ones have developed. However, they do not like direct sunlight. Your Alocasia should also be in a warm place, but not near heaters.


    Since Alocasias grow relatively quickly, the temperature should never fall below 18 °C. Your elephant ear will feel comfortable with a humidity of at least 50%.


    These plants are very sensitive to drought. Make sure that the substrate of your Alocasia is always evenly moist. Otherwise, their leaves will quickly droop. You may have to water your elephant ear several times a week.


    Alocasias have a high root growth and therefore need enough space and soil in the pot. This prevents the soil from drying out so quickly. Be sure to use airy soil with good drainage so that the leaf tips and edges of your Alocasia do not get brown/yellow spots.


    The humidity in Alocasias should always be between 55% and 75%, they love high humidity.

    Pot diameter

    Further information in the care guide
    Alocasia Heterophylla & Alocasia Heterophylla & Alocasia Heterophylla &