Anthurie Pflege Tipps

Anthurium Worries: How to Protect Your Flamingo Flower from Common Diseases

Anthuriums, often known as flamingo flowers, are fascinating plants from the Araceae family. These exotic beauties originate from the tropical rainforests of South America and are famous for their distinctive, heart-shaped leaves and bright inflorescences. Among the Anthurium varieties, Anthurium Scherzerianum hybrids and Anthurium Andreanum are particularly popular and widespread.

To ensure that your anthurium stays healthy and can develop its magnificent flowers, proper anthurium care is crucial - also in preventing common diseases. In this article, you will learn how to properly care for your anthurium and thus protect it from diseases.

Flamingo flower diseases

The Anthurium can be susceptible to certain diseases. Here are some of the most common Flamingo Flower diseases that can occur, along with their symptoms and treatment options:

root rot

Symptoms: The plant shows signs of general weakness; the leaves turn yellow and begin to wilt. The roots are brown and mushy upon closer inspection.

Causes: Overwatering and poor drainage cause the roots to sit in water and rot.

Treatment: Remove the plant from the pot and cut off any rotten roots. Plant the plant in fresh, well-drained soil and reduce watering. Make sure excess water can drain away.

leaf spot disease

Symptoms: Dark, irregular spots appear on the leaves. These spots may be surrounded by a yellow border.

Causes: High humidity and wet leaves promote the spread of fungal infections.

Treatment: Remove affected leaves and improve air circulation around the plant. Avoid spraying the leaves and be careful not to overwater the plant. Fungicides may also be helpful.


Symptoms: Small brown or black spots on the leaves that may enlarge and merge.

Causes: Fungal infection, often caused by high humidity and wet leaves.

Treatment: Remove infected leaves and improve air circulation. Avoid spraying the leaves and reduce humidity. Fungicides can help control the infection.


Symptoms: White or gray, powdery coating on the leaves and stems.

Causes: Too high humidity and insufficient ventilation.

Treatment: Reduce humidity and improve ventilation. Remove infected plant parts and use a suitable fungicidal agent.

Anthurium Care

Anthurium Care Tips

Anthuriums are known for their striking flowers and shiny leaves. To preserve this beauty and keep it healthy, the following Anthurium care tips should be followed:

Repotting Flamingo Flower

Proper repotting of the anthurium is an important aspect of anthurium care that helps to keep the plant healthy and vital. This involves regularly moving the anthurium into fresh soil to give it enough space for root growth and to improve the supply of nutrients. This should be done every few years to ensure that the anthurium has optimal conditions to thrive.

When choosing the new pot, make sure it is slightly larger than the old one so that the roots have enough space to spread out. Use a special soil for houseplants or mix potting soil with perlite and orchid substrate to ensure good drainage. This is especially important to avoid waterlogging, which can lead to root rot, a common challenge in flamingo flower care.

Anthurium location

The location of an Anthurium plays a crucial role in its well-being and development. Choose a bright location, but without direct sunlight. A windowsill with indirect light is ideal for a small flamingo. Large flamingoes should also be placed in a bright location, but protected from too much direct sun. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause damage.

If you place your anthurium on a windowsill, it is best to choose a window facing east or west to take advantage of the soft morning or evening light, which is ideal for the plant's growth. If only a south-facing window is available, it is advisable to shade the plant from direct sunlight or use curtains to filter the light.

Watering Anthurium

Proper watering of anthuriums is one of the most important aspects of anthurium care. It is important to use lime-free water to ensure the plant is optimally supplied. Wait until the top layer of soil is dry before watering; checking about twice a week is a good guideline. Avoid waterlogging at all costs, as this can lead to root rot, which is harmful to the anthurium. A substrate with good permeability helps to drain excess water and keep the roots healthy. This will make a significant contribution to ensuring that your anthurium thrives in optimal conditions.

When watering, always keep in mind that anthuriums do not store water and therefore moderate, regular watering is better than rare but intensive watering. This helps to keep the moisture in the root area stable and at the same time avoid waterlogging.

Fertilizing Anthurium

To give your anthurium the best possible support, proper fertilization is crucial. Use a special fertilizer for houseplants that is rich in nutrients. Fertilize during the growth period, usually every 4-6 weeks. Be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the packaging to avoid over-fertilizing, which can be harmful.

A good time to fertilize is after watering, when the plant has already received moisture and is ready to absorb nutrients. Choose a fertilizer suitable for anthuriums and follow the instructions carefully to promote the health and growth of your plant.

How to overwinter anthuriums properly

Overwintering your Anthurium is crucial to maintaining its health during the cold season. Keep the following points in mind to ensure your Anthurium survives the winter:

  1. Temperature: Keep the temperature constant between 18 and 21°C. Avoid sudden temperature changes and drafts as these can cause stress.

  2. Lighting conditions: Make sure your Anthurium continues to receive sufficient indirect light. A bright location, such as near an east or west window, is ideal.

  3. Reduce watering: Reduce the amount of water significantly during the winter. Only water when the top layer of soil is dry to avoid waterlogging.

  4. Adjust fertilization: Reduce fertilization during the plant's resting phase. During the winter months, the anthurium needs fewer nutrients for growth.

  5. Humidity: Make sure there is moderate humidity around the plant. Avoid dry heating air by using a humidifier if necessary or by spraying the plant with water.

Anthurium Care Tips

Anthurium Propagation

Anthuriums can be propagated in a variety of ways, with division of the root ball and propagation by cuttings being the most common methods. The following steps and tips will support both the small and large flamingo flowers in their healthy development and flowering all year round.

  • Dividing the root ball: If your anthurium has several strong stems, you can carefully divide the root ball to create new plants. Make sure each part has enough roots and healthy growth to increase the chances of survival.
  • Propagation by cuttings: Cut healthy stems with at least one leaf and place them in a moist substrate. Keep the cuttings at high humidity, ideally around 70-80%, and keep the substrate moist but not soggy.
  • Optimal conditions: Place the cuttings or divided plants in a warm place with a constant temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. These conditions promote root growth and support the healthy development of the new plants.
  • Year-round care: Propagating anthuriums is possible year-round as long as conditions are right. Make sure that the humidity around the cuttings or divided plants remains high to keep the humidity stable and encourage root growth.

Anthurium care mistakes

In order to avoid common care mistakes of the Anthurium and to maintain the health of the houseplant, the following points are particularly important:

  • Overwatering: Avoid watering the plant too frequently or too much as this can lead to root rot.

  • Lack of humidity: Anthuriums need moderate humidity. Dry air can cause problems, especially in heated rooms in winter.

  • Wrong location: Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves, while too little light can inhibit growth.

Anthurium Care: Expert Knowledge in 8 Tips

  1. Watering: Check the top layer of soil regularly before watering and use well-drained soil.
  2. Air circulation: Ensure a well-ventilated location and avoid overcrowding around the plant.
  3. Humidity: Keep the humidity constant at 60-80% and avoid spraying the leaves directly.
  4. Leaf care: Wipe the leaves regularly to keep them clean and avoid overspray.
  5. Inspection: Check your plant regularly for diseases and remove diseased parts immediately.
  6. Fungicides: Use fungicides as a preventative measure or use natural alternatives such as neem oil.
  7. Location: Place your anthurium in a location with bright, indirect light and keep the temperature constant.
  8. Hygiene: Disinfect your gardening tools regularly and use fresh soil when repotting if necessary.